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Herefordshire Museum Service
In Partnership With Herefordshire Council
David Garrick
The Life & Career of an English Actor 1717 - 1779
Biographical Note
Mrs Garrick
Champion Of Shakespeare
Domestic Life
Birthplace & Homes
The Garrick Papers
Grouped By Themes
David Garrick Personal
David Garrick Verse
Eva Maria Garrick
Lists of Possessions
Receipts for Purchases
Settling the Wills
Reading List
Places To Visit
Other Links
Biographical Note
Mrs Garrick
Champion Of Shakespeare
Domestic Life
Birthplace & Homes
The Garrick Papers
Grouped By Themes
David Garrick Personal
David Garrick Verse
Eva Maria Garrick
Lists of Possessions
Receipts for Purchases
Settling the Wills
Reading List
Places To Visit
Other Links
Domestic Life
Champion Of Shakespeare
Mrs Garrick
Credits And Copyright
Grouped By Themes
The Garrick Papers
Birthplace & Homes
Biographical Note
Reading List
Places To Visit
Other Links
Settling the Wills
Receipts for Purchases
Lists of Possessions
Eva Maria Garrick
David Garrick Verse
David Garrick Personal
Scribal copy of the script for ‘Jubilee’
Scribal copy of ‘Quin’s Soliloquy’ n.d.
Receipted bill from L. Sanderson for carpenter’s work [for theatre]
Receipted bill from John French for painting canvas
Receipted bill for music from John Johnson
Prologue to King Lear
Prologue for Veteran Fund
Prologue for Veteran Fund
Prologue for Mother Shipton to a new Pantomime. n.d.
Printed copy of The Rehearsal
MSS of Ragandjaw
Fragment of Prologue ‘A veteran I’
Envelope wrapper with note ‘prologue for Mother Shipton’
Copy of the Daily Advertiser containing ‘extract from Stratford Jubilee
Writing on scrap of paper bearing postmarks
Unsettled bill for Mrs Garrick’s memorial stone
Two schedules of executor’s (Albany Wallis) accounts, income and expenditure
Three sheets of paper, two used as envelopes one wrapper
Sheet of paper, not watermarked but has an embossed mark
Sheet of paper used as wrapper for the letters and documents re Garrick property
Notes relative to the case regarding Mrs Garrick’s property
Notes on who should inherit the correspondence of David Garrick
Notes on the case re Mrs. Garrick’s possession of ‘objects of curiosity’
Notes on Mrs Garrick’s title to objects in dispute
Notes in pencil & in ink about Garrick’s library
Note from Mr Dowdeswell to Rev. Thomas Rackett
Note from Lt. Col. Stephenson of the office of works to Rev. Thomas Rackett
Mrs Garrick’s movements and the taking of the inventory after Garrick’s death. n.d.
List of articles forwarded to Madame de Saar
Letter with seal to Rev Thomas Rackett from G.F. Beltz re division of Garrick’s residual estate
Letter to General Wallis requesting the portraits
Letter re articles Mrs Garrick had acquired
Letter from Thomas Rackett to Thomas Carr
Letter from Thomas Rackett to J.G. Dowdeswell
Letter from Thomas Rackett to Henry Banks, the other a copy of a letter from TR to Mr Dowdesewell
Letter from T[homas] R[ackett] to Mrs Patton
Letter from T. Carr to Thomas Rackett
Letter from T. Carr to Rev. Thomas Rackett
Letter from T. Carr to Rev. Thomas Rackett
Letter from T. Carr to Rev. Thomas Rackett
Letter from T. Carr to Rev. T. Rackett
Letter from T. Carr to [Mr Beltz?]
Letter from T. Camp to Thomas Rackett
Letter from Sir Robert Vaughan to Rev. Thomas Rackett re letters of Evan Lloyd
Letter from Sir Robert Vaughan to Rev. Thomas Rackett re letters of Evan Lloyd
Letter from Samuel Emby? To Thomas Rackett
Letter from Richard Llwyd to Rev. Thomas Rackett
Letter from Revd Thomas Rackett seeking advice on items including gold snuff boxes
Letter from Mrs Garrick’s niece
Letter from Lady Stapleton to Rev. Thomas Rackett re Sir Robert Vaughan & the Lloyd letters
Letter from James Dean, Trustee of the Garrick estate, to Rev. Thomas Rackett
Letter from J.G. Dowdeswell to Thomas Rackett
Letter from J.G. Dowdeswell
Letter from J. Tomkin to Thomas Rackett re the letters
Letter from Henry Ellis, Secretary at the British Museum, to the Executors of Mrs Garrick
Letter from Henry Ellis of the British Museum to Rev. Thomas Rackett
Letter from H.H. Baber of the British Museum to the Executors of the late Mrs Garrick
Letter from H. Banks to Rev. Thomas Rackett
Letter from H. Banks to Rev. Thomas Rackett
Letter from G. J. Beltz to Thomas Rackett
Letter from Evan Jones to Mrs Garrick
Letter from Catherine Payne to Revd. Thomas Rackett
Letter from Ann Twallin to the Executors
Letter about General Wallis and the portraits
Large sheet of paper, watermarked with a figure?
Large sheet of paper, watermarked ‘RUSSELL & TURNERS 1817’
From Henry Ellis of the British Museum to Rev. Thos. Rackett
Extract from the minutes of the Board of Guardians of St. Martin’s School
Duplicate copy of Will of Mrs Garrick
Draft letter to Madame de Saar re her inheritance from Mrs Garrick. N.d.
Draft affidavit of the Rev. Thomas Rackett in the Case Carr v. Protheroe
Copy of letter from Mr R[ackett] to Mr Car[r]
Copy of endorsement re control of her jewellery in the marriage settlement of Mr & Mrs Garrick
Copy of Correspondence with the British Museum re Roubillac’s statue of Shakespeare
Copy of a resolution of the committee of the British Museum regarding Garrick’s bequest of books
Copy of a letter from T. Carr to [perhaps Mr Beltz Executor of Mrs Garrick’s will]
Copy Letter from Thomas Rackett to J.G. Dowdeswell
Chancery papers re Garrick’s Estate. Examinations of Lewis Bayly Wallis
An abstract of the Will of Mrs Garrick, n.d.
Account of Rev. Thomas Racket
Receipted bill from John Winter for tailoring
Receipted bill from John Ward for repairs to pleasure boat
Receipted bill from Ann Corker for bowls
Receipted bill for garden furniture for Mrs Garrick from Thomas Pitt
Receipt from Nathaniel Dance for a frame for a picture painted by Dance
Receipt from Mauritus Lowe on account for subscription to print of Garrick
Receipt from Joseph Nollekens to Mrs Garrick
Receipt from Herbert Lawrence for a silver cup
Receipt for work done for Mrs Garrick by David Sandels
Receipt for wine from J. Molini at the Genoa Arms pd
Receipt for prints, including Lear and Hamlet, from Mr Boydell, pd
Receipt for paintings bought from Benjamin Van der Gutch
Receipt for hay 1759
Receipt for furniture from Henry Webb
Receipt for furniture for Mrs Garrick from David Sandell
Receipt for cleaning and repair
Receipt for books from Mr Dodsley, pd
Receipt for books from John Shove
Receipt for a wheel barometer for Mrs Garrick from James Gatley
Receipt for a System of Horsemanship
Receipt for a System of Horsemanship
Receipt for 12gns for a bust by Nollekens
Receipt for £5 from Thomas Pitt
Receipt for £20 for embroidery 1761
Printed receipted bill from Josiah Wedgwood
Printed advertisement for Lowe & Higginbottom, fishing rod makers, and receipted bill to Garrick for rods
Order to pay for an olm of wine from Thomas Brooke, Bremen
Order to pay £100 to Capt. Thomson
Letter from R.E. Pine of Bath to Garrick re outstanding bill for picture frames
Letter from R.E. Pine of Bath to Garrick re outstanding bill for picture frames
Bill from Thomas Pitt to Mrs Garrick for furniture
Bill from R.E. Pine of Bath to David Garrick for two frames
Bill from Joseph Nollekens to Mrs Garrick for statuary slab and John Milbourne’s account
Small scrap of paper, musical notation
Small advertisement for ‘No 1 of a new series of The Portfolio’
Plan of rooms
Partial plan of a single floor of a house
Note about tax on the house & garden
Musical Memorandums to g d 1777
List of items to do with musical instruments
Invitation to dine at the Linnaean Club addressed to Thomas Rackett
Elevation and two floor plans of an unidentified house
Charades or riddles
Valuation of Mrs Garrick’s Jewels. N.d.
Small sheet of paper with a list of a few items, tea chests etc
Printed catalogue of the property of the late Mrs Garrick to be sold by Messrs Robins
Particulars of the household furniture found wanting in the houses in the Adelphi and at Hampton
Particulars of household furniture purchased by Mrs Garrick after Mr Garrick’s death
Mainly lists of household and personal linen
List of silver plate purchased from Henry Shepherd n.d.
List of prints ‘doubtful’
List of plants and trees sent to the Garricks by ‘G.B.’ n.d.
List of paintings
List of Italian books, including plays and books on theatre
List of Italian books purchased [in Venice] and notes of expenses there in
List of Garrick’s books in the possession of Mr R[ackett]
List of French books from Mr Conti
List of articles sent to Christies and instructions for the auction
List of articles removed by the executors of the will of the late Mrs Garrick from Hampton & Adelphi Terrace
List of articles claimed by the executors of Mrs Garrick, in case of Garrick v. Camden
Inventory of the estate of Garrick and Mr & Mrs Garrick sent by Rev Rackett to James Christie
Inventory of silver plate
Inventory of Prints found in the possession of E.M. Garrick
Inventory of Drawings & Prints which belonged to David Garrick at the time of his death
Inventory of Decanters and glasses at Hampton
Catalogue of books (not clear whose) n.d.
Appears to be a list of drawings
An inventory of pictures in the town house. N.d.
An inventory of pictures at Hampton House. n.d.
A list of pictures sold for David Garrick by George Good, London
A list of Mrs Garrick’s effects proposed for sale
A list of the characters for the Pageant scene for the Jubilee play. n.d.
A list of Mrs Garrick’s effects proposed for sale
Bill from Ann Corker for bowls
Accounts for journey in Italy
A list of items not in the inventory which had belonged to David Garrick
Panchaud to David Garrick
Panchaud to David Garrick
Panchaud & Co. re Mrs Garrick’s annuity
Mrs Garrick’s diary
Messrs Panchaud to David Garrick
Letter from Panchauds to David Garrick
Letter from Messrs Panchaud to Garrick re Mrs Garrick’s annuity
Letter from Messrs Panchaud
Letter from Capel Lofft to Mrs Garrick
Leather bound printed volume, Almanac de Gotha’, inscribed ‘this belonged to Mrs Garrick’
Bill from John Johnson for the memorial to Mrs Garrick
Visit The David Garrick Collection
Verses: ‘All Fours’ and ‘Nature etc’
Verses to ‘Miss Arab More’
Verse: ‘Old Nick to the Livery Men of London’
Verse: ‘Fairy King’s Verses at Hagley’
Verse written for Signio Millico
Verse to ‘Fasy’, Tabitha Flasby
Verse addressed to Revd. James Tattersall
Verse ‘Upon Lord Mansfield desiring my picture’
Verse ‘upon consulting barometers’
Scribal transcript of verse ‘to my Wife on her Birthday’ with newspaper cutting re party
Scrap of verse, mentions Mr Henry Clement and two lines from Mother Shipton Prologue
Juvenile writing, French and Latin inscriptions
Fair copy of ‘To Lady Glyn upon laughing at Lear’
Epitaph for the Revd. Mr Beighton of Egham by David Garrick
Draft verses on and epitaph for Oliver Goldsmith
Draft Verse on Sir Thomas Mills and list of books
Draft verse on critics
Draft verse
Draft of five verses
Draft of a duet, ‘Floridor and Nigromant’
Draft of ‘To Lady Glyn upon laughing at Lear’
Draft epitaph on General Wolfe
Autograph Verse to ‘Dr -‘; playlist for one fortnight in 1765 in other hand, last two entries by DG
Additional stanza by Alderman Birch to ‘The Mulberry Tree’
Verse addressed to Garrick on his retirement
Slip of paper wrapped around a ticket of entry to Shakespeare’s Temple etc n.d.
Scene from the ‘Jubilee’, with notes in Garrick’s hand
Receipted bill from John Winter for tailoring
Printed invitation to the funeral of David Garrick
Note re sale of a portrait of Garrick as Tancred to Revd. Mr Hand. Address of Aaron Powell 14 Crown Court
List of purchases & odd jottings
Leather bound printed volume, Les Spectacles de Paris
Garrick’s last almanac, bound in red leather. No entries; inscribed by Mrs Garrick ‘My dear Husband’s last Almanack’
Fragment of a draft letter to John Wilkes M.P.
Draft letter from Garrick to the Committee of the Theatrical Fund
Autograph partial text of prologue for Mr O’Brien. N.d.
Autograph fragment of verse, as in prologues above
Autograph draft of verse on the Duchess of Devonshire
67 printed bookplates from David Garrick’s library, inscribed in French
‘Song On fish’